Job Listings
Creating Job Opportunities
‘Enriching a workforce’
A platform where employers and employees meet. Employers can post job listings, employees can view available jobs, upload CV and get in contact with employers
Siphiwe Msiza
Vaiours Job Categories
‘A Great Vision Without Great People, Simply Doesn’t Work’
Real Estate
For us to present the most qualified candidates for your specific need, we begin the process by learning about your business why this position is open, where this person will fit in the organizational structure, along with any other company informati on you think will be helpful to us as we screen candidates.

It is important for us to fully understand what this person will be responsible for on a day to day basis. To establish what a “typical day” will look like, we will review the job description in detail with you. If you don’t already have a job descript ion we will create one based on our discussions.

We review your requirements for the hire, both in terms of technological experience and industry/market experience. Armed with a full understanding of your firm and your open position, we will be able to provide feedback based on our candidates. We have an extensive database of local technical staff.

Our Values
'Hire the Character, Skill can be Trained'